The Marvin Chronicles III: The Life and Times of Feral Sam is now available!

Volume 3 of "The Marvin Chronicles," about the adventures of a Blue Ridge Mountain raccoon family, recounts the escapades of Marvin's mischievous nephew Feral Sam, who swears in Canadian French, has a passion for Little Debbie snack cakes, and is generally found in the vicinity of trouble.
Frostkin, the DaVinci of possums; Bambi, the reincarnated supermodel, (currently a deer); Major the black bear and Andre the ursine raccoon Impersonator; and the dog soldier Captain Maltipoo and the enlisted cats , and Feral Sam's many Glorrifat relatives all appear in stories in Volume III, accompanied by photos of the animals themselves.
Signed copies are available for $22 plus $4.95 shipping. A great holiday gift for all ages!
New! The Spirit Bear Necklace.
By popular demand (of the Glorrifat raccoon tribe), we have created a necklace to celebrate them and the mountains they love. Made of Appalachian minerals serpentine and unakite, with a carved bear pendant of unakite, the necklace comes with a color brochure that explains the stones in the necklace, and tells the ancient story of how the raccoons became the Spirit Bear's favorite animal.
The Spirit Bear necklace is $40 plus shipping.